2019-2020 A-12 “REFLECTION” Award Nomination
Every day Lions LEAD by Example!
We strive to “Be a Reflection of the person
we would like to see in others!” as role models.
This year, you can nominate a member of your Club who “Leads by Example”and casts a positive Reflection on their club and their community. These Lions make a difference through their words, actions, and deeds. They inspire others by living our motto, “We Serve.” Now is your chance to recognize these very important people.
Winning recipients will receive a special appreciation from the District Governor Team presented in a meaningful ceremony in front of their peers during the District Governor Team official visit to the club. They will also be recognized at District events and their names will be publicized in the District newsletter, the District Website, and through Social Media and traditional media.
Eligible nominees are individual Lions, Lioness, and Leos. A maximum of one award will be presented per club. Your nominee does not need to be from your own club. Nominations may be sent by email to DG Jamie or by fax to 905-778-8820 or by mail, 4790 11thLine, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0. Get your nominations in right away!
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