Lions,Lioness and Leos, this guide has been prepared with information and resources from Lions Clubs International to help you embark on a new way to participate in the Lions Recycle for Sight Program.
Lions Clubs send used eyewear to one of 17 Official Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centres (LERC) in the world. There is one official Canadian Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centre (CLERC) located in Calgary, Alberta. This program provides recycled eyewear free of charge to people in developing countries.
Bay #2, 1216-34thAve. N.E.
Calgary, Alberta
T2E 6L9
CONTACT: PDG Gordon Prusky –403-640-1056 –by email
Note : Lions collect new and used reading, single vision, bifocal, safety, children’s glasses and both prescription and non-prescription sunglasses (also, clip-ons). Used eyewear may consist of lenses in metal or plastic frames. Donated clip-ons may remain in their protective case otherwise, please discard any glass cases you collect as there is no way to sanitize them and their weight is prohibitive when shipping. Broken Glasses can be shipped with loose lenses (packed separately from usable eyeglasses) Full details are available in the revised 2019, District A-12 Recycle for Sight Manual.
Click to download the Recycle For Sight Manual Revised July 2019
For more information please contact PZC Gillian Reynolds, District Sight (Lake Joe) Chair 2020-2021 by email here

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