Learning Workshop (LLW)


 Lions Learning Workshop, Saturday March 22, 2025

2025 A12 returns to hosting the Lions Learning Workshop uncoupled from the District A12 Convention. The Learning Sessions will be held as a one day event at the Allure Hotel & Convention Centre in Barrie on Saturday March 22, 2025. 

In addition to Club Officer (Secretary & Treasurer) Training , there will be interesting and enjoyable sessions for all the Lions and Leos in the District. 

There is no charge for Lions or Leos to attend, but you must pre-register by March 1st, 2025. 

Lunch will be provided at no charge for Lions & Leos who attend a minimum of 3 sessions. 

If you register for lunch, but do not cancel by March 15, or do not attend three sessions, your club will be billed $50.00 as the district is committed to this cost. 

A Graduation Ceremony will also be held to recognize Lions who have invested their time in developing their leadership skills. 

More information is available by contacting pdgjamiejones@a12lions.ca 

Did you know we have a YouTube Channel ? And previous Lions Learning Webinars have been uploaded there for reference. Check it out here District A-12 Lions Club


Email GLT Coordinator PDG Jamie Jones

4790 11th Line, Cookstown, Ontario L0L 1L0