E-blast / Lions Magazine

The District A-12 E-blast

… because behind every project that a Lions club takes on, there’s a story to be told. These are stories filled with challenges, hope and the joy of serving others. For more information on the A12 Eblast or to submit a service story or event in the next edition. Contact PDG Jamie Jones

Eblast Feb 2002


LION Magazine

There have been some significant changes to the MD”A” Magazine and how its distributed. Going forward, there will be 2 printed, and 2 digital versions of the magazine provided per year, with the possibility of more digital version if the need arises.

The next issue will be digital only. The next print edition will be this fall 2021, significant articles from the digital version may well be in the next print issue.
With the new print model they had to adjust guidelines in order to capture all the good things clubs our doing, they may have to restrict photos and articles that are cheque presentation only and request that photos and descriptive text of the service work that generated those funds be included.
Keep in mind they have the option of printing unlimited digital editions, and have the flexibility for allowing for more cheque presentation photos.
This is a new model of delivery, and you’re asked to be patient and keep the above in mind when preparing magazine submissions for consideration.
View the digital version of the Ontario (CANADA) edition of LION Magazine here
Or, Download the LION Magazine CANADA App for Apple iOS / Android
Have a story or event you’d like to share, please forward to:
Lion JoAnn Warren District Promotions Chair

App Support

For help with the app or any other LION Magazine questions, please contact:

LION Magazine
300 W 22nd Street
Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842 USA