
What an Excellent Evening!  Just getting home from attending the Region 36 Membership Training by PDG Chris Lewis, Global Membership Team Coordinator.  It was very nice to members from the Barrie Lions Club,  Barrie South Lions Club, Oro & District Lions Club, Springwater-Vespra Lions Club, Stayner Lions Club,  Penetang Lions Club,  Wasagat Beach Lions Club and not to be forgotten Tiny Township Lions in attendance tonight were all in attendance tonigh.

I’m certain that everyone who attended tonight’s Membership Workshop has been inspired with some new ideas on membership.  More Members = More Service or More Service = more Members any way you slice its,  tonight’s workshop was an excellent!!




Great work tonight PDG Chris!  Thanks again for all your efforts…

A special Thanks for Region 36 Chair Bryon for making all the arrangements for tonight’s meeting without your efforts this wouldn’t have been as successful, Thanks RC Bryon!